"Not all those who wander are lost." -J. R. R. Tolkien


While I'm Young...

So lately I've been thinking (a lot) about going to Ireland. It's something I've wanted to do for as long as I can remember, but I have never really had the opportunity to go. Since money is tight for me now, I can't really take a vacation there. If I go, I would have to work while I'm there. I've seriously been considering doing an Au Pair. It would give me chance to stay in the country long enough to explore it and being an au pair would give me the chance to meet people, hopefully that I could be friends with for the rest of my life.

The summer after my freshman year of college I worked in North Carolina at a whitewater rafting company. It was a really great experience and I loved the attitude toward life that everyone had there. I will never forget this one man, he was older (in his 60's), and he was employed as a raft guide. At dinner one night I ended up sitting next to him and he told me all of these great stories about his travels as a young adult. I could see in his eyes that he was completely happy recalling those memories. I got the idea that he was a born-again traveler, and that summer on the river was his step back into enjoying life. I will never forget one of the things that he told me that day. He said that you have to travel while you are young, or else you may get caught up in life and never have a chance to do it again. I admire that this guy appreciates travel and that he was actually taking steps to make sure that his life was as full of it as possible.

So, I am seriously considering taking heed of the man's advice. Traveling is something that I value in life--I have always enjoyed going places, whether it's to the mall with my Mom on an early Saturday morning, or simply a quick trip to Atlanta to visit with relatives. And since I am an adult now, and I can decide to go places on my own, Ireland is the place I choose. I have a feeling that if I go I won't regret it.

Now I will stop stalling from finishing my grad school homework.



Julie and Julia

So, I'd be lying if I said that watching Julia and Julia recently had nothing to do with the fact that I'm blogging right now. I had heard of blogging before and always thought of it as sort of a selfish way to let one's thoughts go, and that it may even be futile (how many people actually take time out of their day to read other people's blogs?). But the aforementioned movie made me think about the idea of venting a little, and maybe even sharing some creative thoughts, and in thinking about blogging I have realized that even if it is selfish, perhaps it can have some sort of impact on someone else (because apparently people do read other people's blogs!). I'm not attempting to master the art of French cooking on my blog, but I am attempting to share little bits of my life, so welcome.

For my first post I will simply say that I am an old soul in a young body--I stole the title of my blog, Silver Girl, from a Fleetwood Mac song which tells the story of "a silver girl/ lost in a high tech world," which explains exactly how I feel sometimes (though I am slowly adapting to this high tech world). I love watching movies, especially ones that make me think and feel, like those of the independent and sci-fi sort. I love classic rock and can't get enough of my Fleetwood! I got a tambourine for Christmas, and suprisingly, it is actually a bit difficult to play...I am learning.

That's all for now...more blogging to come later.
